Adoption Date: 12/13/1977
Revised: 6/13/1978; 10/24/84, 02/26/85, 06/13/91, 10/11/95, 05/13/97, 01/13/98, 03/10/98, 03/14/00, 06/18/02, 12/09/08, 7/17/2024



To graduate from Evanston High School a student must have completed a minimum of seven (7) semesters in grades 9-12 in Uinta County School District Number One or another accredited high school. Summer school attendance will not meet the semester requirements.



To graduate from Evanston High School, a minimum of twenty-eight (28) credits and one (1) “Advocacy” credit must be earned by completion of courses taken in grades 9 through 12. A senior project is required as part of the Advocacy requirements (see IKF-R). Seniors demonstrate the successful application of core content knowledge with College and Career Ready skills through the design, completion, and presentation of a challenging senior project. Summer school may be provided by the district for remediation or credit recovery. Credits earned from non-accredited schools will not be accepted as fulfilling requirements. Credit is awarded on a semester basis. 


A grade of C- (70%) or higher, along with demonstrated proficiency of the State Standards in the Common Core Areas of Skills and Knowledge in any indicator course is required for graduation.  Proficiency in these indicator courses may be determined through any or all the following methods, when aligned to the state standards:

  •     District Assessment 
  •     Core Area Unit Assessments
  •     Classroom activities
  •     Grade level project.


All students must meet the following course requirements to be in good standing and on track for graduation. See Evanston High School Course Description Book for more details on course requirements.


Language Arts – 4 credits required:

Each student is required to complete one credit of English at each grade level (four (4) credits). 


Social Studies – 3 credits required:

Each student will be required to complete three social studies courses in grades 10-12 and is required to satisfactorily pass an examination on the principles of the United States and Wyoming constitutions. 


Mathematics – 3 credits required:

Each student will be required to complete three mathematics courses in grades 9 - 12.  


Science – 3 credits required:

Each student will be required to complete three science courses in grades 9- 12.


Physical Education – 1 credit required:

Each student is required to enroll in Physical Conditioning at the 9th grade level (½ credit), plus earn an additional ½ credit in any grades 9-12. 


Exemptions from the physical education requirements can be granted only if written verification from a licensed medical doctor, chiropractor or osteopath is approved in advance by the high school administration.


Health Education – ½ credit required:

Each student will be required to complete the health education course at the ninth (9) grade level.


Fine Arts –1 credit required:

Each student is required to complete one (1) credit of Fine Arts for graduation. 


Career/Technical – 1 credit required:


Foreign Language – 1 credit required:


Advocacy Requirements – 1 credit (¼ credit must be earned each year 9-12 (see IKF-R)


The required courses above total 17½ credits.  Ten and one-half (10½) elective credits plus one (1) Advocacy credit totals the required 29 credits needed for graduation.


Non-traditional students and/or students with Individual Educational Plans developed through the Special Education Division shall have their graduation requirements tailored to individual needs as specified in Policies IGBA. 


Legal Refs:                W.S. 21-2-304; 21-4-308(c); 21-9-101; and 21-9-102

            Wyoming Education Policies Manual, code IKF


Cross Refs:              IKE, Promotion and Retention of Students