Adoption Date: 1/1/1978

The Uinta County School District Number One will establish and maintain educational testing programs. The purpose of the testing program is to provide information for the following:

1. Student achievement – To produce information about relative student achievement so that parents, students and teachers have a baseline against which to monitor academic progress. Within the limitations of group testing instruments, the information should be useful to and serve as a validation devise for other measures of student progress.

2. Student counseling – To serve as a tool in counseling and guidance of students for further direction and for specific academic placement.

3. Instructional change – To provide data which will assist in preparing recommendations for instructional program changes in valuable ways to:

a. Help teachers with instructional decisions, plans and changes regarding classroom objectives and program implementation;

b. Help staff formulate and recommend instructional policy; and,

c. Help the Board of Trustees adopt instructional policy.

4. School and district assessment – To provide indicators of the relative progress of schools within the district and the district with the state.

The above stated purposes represent the basis of a continuing district testing program and require different testing procedures and instruments.

The testing program is considered to be an integral part of educational needs assessment and evaluation. The program will be developed primarily for furnishing needed information to decision-makers, including the Board of Trustees, parents, students, teachers, counselors, administrators and other involved members of the staff. The needs of these users will be identified and the district testing program will be limited to obtaining that information which is needed and useful.

There will be broad-based involvement in the developing of the testing program and its implementation in planning, every effort will be made to see that testing contributes to learning rather than detracts from it. Learning goals and objectives will provide the guidelines for determining tests to be utilized, including questions of where, when and how to use tests.



The district testing program will consider the academic growth of students relative to state and national norms; the workload of school personnel in terms of test administration, scoring, interpretation and use; adequacy and financial feasibility; training for involved personnel; and assessment of students in at least the basic skills and content in the elementary and secondary schools.

The superintendent is authorized to establish the necessary procedures to implement the purposes of the district testing program.

Non-School Related Testing

Non-school related testing of children will not be permitted during school time without the specific permission of the parents. Testing and evaluation of students for the identification of handicaps will be conducted in accordance with the Board’s policies and regulations pertaining to handicapped students (IGBA).

Current practice codified 1978



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