Adoption Date: 2/8/2011
The Board of Trustees may enter into agreements with any public or private agency, institution, person, or corporation for the performance of acts or furnishing of services or facilities by or for the school district.
To ensure transparency in the contract approval process, the board of trustees will approve all contracts or agreements through the following means:
- Any employment or consulting service contracts shall be approved by the Board prior to execution and will be executed by the Board Chair and Clerk.
- Any contract that results from the required bid process pursuant to W.S. 16-6-119 and 21-3-110 will be reviewed and voted upon in an open meeting prior to execution and will be executed by Board Chair and Clerk.
- Any contract or agreement for the purchase of goods or non-consulting services under $10,000 may be executed prior to board approval of the specific contract or agreement and execution may be delegated to the superintendent or department head. The contract shall be placed on the Board agenda for approval at the next regular or special meeting.
- Any reoccurring agreement or contract that has previously been approved by the board of trustees and contains no substantial modifications of the contract or agreement other than cost may be approved by the board prior to or after execution. The board authorizes the Superintendent or his designee to execute these agreements or contracts.
- Any reoccurring agreement or contract that contains substantial modifications shall be approved by the Board prior to execution and will be executed by the Board Chair and Clerk.
- A contract or agreement concerning a district project, where the cost and scope of the project has been previously approved by the board may be executed prior to Board approval of the specific contract or agreement and execution may be delegated to the superintendent or department head. All reasonable attempts shall be made to obtain prior board approval of the contract or agreement and to obtain Board Chair or Clerk execution.
Policy References:
Legal Refs: W.S. 21-3-111