School Registration Information » Online Registration and Payment Instructions

Online Registration and Payment Instructions



Log in to PowerSchool  for Parents.  (Student logins will not have access to registration and fees.)
1. Complete Online Registration Form.
Select the Registration/SchoolForms link on the left to complete the registration form(s) for your child(ren).  Select the Student Registration Form link (for each student).  There are multiple pages to the form.  Each page must be filled out completely. 
2. Pay Fees
The link for online payments can be found on the top right, below the sign out option, and next to the graduation hat symbol. Select SchoolPay.
More detailed instructions can be found by clicking this link.


3. Activities

Login to Powerschool ( for Parents. (Student logins do not have access to activity forms) 

Click on Forms in the menu in the parent portal.  For step by step instructions click on this link


4. School Lunch
Click on Titan Lunch Payments to add money to your student lunch account
Link to Titan
  • You will need a parent PowerSchool account to register and pay fees.  Contact your child’s school if you do not have an account/and or can’t remember your login information.