It is the philosophy of this Board that students will respond more positively to the opportunity for success than to the threat of failure. The district shall seek, therefore, in its instructional program to make achievement both recognizable and possible for students. It shall emphasize achievement in its process of evaluating student performance.
The administration and professional staff shall devise and the Board shall approve, a grading system for use throughout the district. The following guidelines shall be followed in its construction and implementation:
1. Evaluation shall be based on the student’s progress toward the accomplishment of stated course objectives. Students and parents shall be given information on what these objectives are.
2. A uniform set of symbols shall be used in all courses to indicate progress toward meeting objectives of the course. These shall be meaningful to parents as well as to teachers.
3. Teachers shall be as objective as possible in assigning grades and shall seek consistency in their own grading and a consistency in grading throughout departments, school and the district. In order to advance this consistency:
a. Evaluation of attitude, conduct and effort shall be separated insofar as possible from evaluation of achievement.
b. Students will be provided with opportunity to make up work that has been missed due to excused absence.
4. The teacher shall be the final authority in assigning each student a mark. The grades assigned, however, must be in accordance with any standards established for the particular course or procedures applicable to all grading.
Current practice codified 1978