(Occupational Education)
The school has a responsibility beyond the intellectual development of the student. It must provide opportunities for exploration in vocational training, job opportunities, work experiences and aptitude appraisal that will promote the student’s ability to function as a working adult once he finishes school. Through its career education program, the district will provide experiences in:
1. The value and use of time;
2. Accepting and carrying out responsibilities;
3. Understanding our economic structure in a democracy;
4. The value of work and of being a competent worker in whatever field the student may choose.
5. The value of money and the wise use of economic resources and income;
6. Exploring a variety of trades and professions;
7. Differentiating between the "end" and the "means" of economics;
8. Merchandizing: the relationship between quantity and quality;
9. Exploring the requirements—in basic skills as well as specializations—in various occupational fields;
10. Forming an awareness of natural and human resources and their value in the economic stability of the community as well as the nation and the world;
11. Understanding of the producer-consumer roles in society and their interrelation.
Preparing today’s students for tomorrow’s world is the most difficult task our schools face. We cannot, with accuracy, forecast tomorrow’s labor market needs; therefore, it is not the task of our elementary and secondary schools to provide students with narrowly vocational and specific "job preparation." Rather, we must develop in our students those basic and adaptability skills that will permit them to have successful working lives regardless of specific labor market conditions.
The Board believes that the inclusion of career education in the basic curriculum will provide students with information about the many career opportunities available to them and will establish a relationship between what is taught in the classroom and the world of work.
As much as possible, the Board wishes to involve the local business/industry/labor community in its career education efforts. The superintendent shall be in charge of coordinating and supervising the district’s career education program.
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