Adoption Date: 6/14/2011
Uinta County School District Number One shall implement an ongoing system to locate, identify and evaluate all children birth to 21 residing within the School District who have disabilities and need early intervention under Part C or special education under Part B of IDEA (the Act).
The School District shall identify all children with disabilities regardless of the severity of their disability, including children who are:
- Highly mobile, such as migrant and homeless children;
- Wards of the State;
- Suspected of having a disability even though they advance from grade to grade;
- Home schooled;
- Attending a private (religious or secular) school located within the boundaries of the school district or public agency;
- Attending a charter or virtual school;
- Below the age of compulsory school attendance;
- Above the age of compulsory school attendance who have not graduated from high school with a regular diploma and have not completed the school year in which they reach their twenty-first birthday; or
- Dropped out or disenrolled from public or private school.
Local procedures are maintained in the District’s “Special Services Manual” and may be accessed in the office of the Director of Special Services and in each school building. The local procedures in effect may be amended, modified or rescinded from time-to-time by federal or state laws, rules or regulations and such amendments, modifications or rescission shall be made a part of the local procedure on the effective date of their adoption by federal or state authorities.
Policy References:
34 C.F.R. §300.111 Child find; 34 C.F.R. §300.131 Child find for parentally-placed private school children with disabilities; W.S. §21-2-502(b) Education of Children With Disabilities; Wyoming Department of Education Rules, Chapter 7, Section 4(a) Child Find