A school volunteer is an adult who is willing to give time and talent to assist as a member of the education team and who carries out a duty prescribed by the Board of Trustees subject to approval by the Board.
The Board of Trustees endorses the concept of volunteers and supports their use in the schools according to Board regulations. Such endorsement and support are based on the belief that volunteers:
- Can help improve the educational program by freeing staff for more instructional activities.
- Can improve school and community relations by bringing adults into contact with the daily, ongoing work of the schools and students into contact with the daily lives of working adults.
- Can help enrich the educational program by making expertise available in areas of special competence.
To that end, the Board encourages the professional staff to seek and maintain the services of volunteers who evidence:
- A dedication of fulfilling the purposes of public education.
- A positive attitude, interest and enthusiasm for children and youth and respect for the work of teachers and administrators.
- Ability to work cooperatively with designated school staff according to school regulations.
- Good health and moral character.
- Regularity of attendance.
The overall administration and evaluation of the volunteer program shall be the responsibility of the superintendent in conformity with Board policy and regulations.
Current practice codified 1978
Adopted: date of manual adoption