Adoption Date: 10/22/1985, Revised: 6/13/1991; 04/11/95; 11/10/98


The Board of Trustees is required by law to offer parents and legal guardians of compulsory school age children the alternative of providing home bases instruction to the children in their legal charge. Therefore, the Uinta County School District Number One Board of Trustees offers parents and legal guardians the alternative of providing a Home Based Educational Program to the children in their charge provided that the Home Based Educational Program meets the requirements of a basic academic educational program pursuant to W.S. 21-4-101 (a) (vi).

It shall be the responsibility of every person administering a Home Based Educational Program to submit a curriculum to the local Board of Trustees each year showing that the program complies with the requirements of this subsection. Any time the parent or guardian desires to change the scope or nature of the Home Based School Curriculum the revised curriculum must be resubmitted to the Board of Trustees to insure that the revised curriculum still complies with Wyoming Statutes. Failure of the parent or legal guardian to submit a curriculum showing compliance is prima facie evidence that the Home Based Educational Program does not meet the requirements of this article.

Section I

This policy supersedes and replaces all previous policies of this District in regard to "home-schooling" from the effective date hereof.

Section II

Every parent, guardian, or other person having control or charge of any child within the District required by law to attend school, but who intends to education said child in a Home Based Education Program, shall be required to demonstrate to the District that said program provides a basic academic educational program as defined by law appropriate to the educational level of said child.

Section III

Compliance with the foregoing section may be accomplished by providing evidence to the Superintendent or designee that:


a. The parent has enrolled the child or has purchased a correspondence program with an agency that regularly provides curriculum materials for home schools such as Christian Liberty Academy, Accelerated Christian Education, Basic Education, or other similar programs appropriate to the educational level of the child. Similar does not imply that said program must be religious in nature.

b. The parent will be providing by other means a sequentially progressive curriculum of fundamental instruction as defined by statute, appropriate to the educational level of the child.

Section IV


Compliance as aforesaid is required prior to the time that nay child misses attendance at the schools provided by the District. Failure to attend the District’s schools or other private school without compliance will be deemed as unexcused absence.


Section V


It is not the policy of this District to interfere with or dictate the method or means of instruction in a Home Based Educational Program, but only to be assured that any home based educational unit operated within the District is providing a basic academic educational program to resident children of compulsory attendance age.


Section VI


Nothing in this policy is intended to exempt any home based educational unit from the statutory requirements that it be in session during the entire time the District’s schools are in session.


Section VII


The District regards home based educational units as non-accredited schools and reserves the right to require appropriate testing or to use any other means it deems appropriate for placement in a grade level, of any student entering the District’s schools from a Home Based Educational Program, whether or not said grade level corresponds with the level achieved by the student in the home based educational unit. The District does not recognize credit(s) earned from non-accredited schools as fulfilling the requirements for graduation from Evanston High School.


Section VIII


Uinta County School District Number One will make a reasonable effort to assist a parent or guardian to develop or structure an Alternative Home Based School Program that will comply with Wyoming Statutes for their dependent child(ren) if the parent for guardian requests such assistance. The District Superintendent, or his designee, shall create a set of criteria by which all requests for use of District materials, equipment, or services shall be evaluated. However, it should be noted that the District has no legal responsibility to provide materials, equipment, or services in support of an Alternative Home Based School Program other than those requirements specifically spelled out in Wyoming Statutes.


Once verification has been made that the curriculum for an Alternative Home Based Program meets all State and local requirements, notification shall be given to the Board of Trustees. The parent and/or legal guardian has full responsibility for delivering educational services and concepts identified in the submitted curriculum. The parent or legal guardian of a students studying at grade levels 1-12, for which an alternative home based curriculum has been accepted, may apply in writing with the District Superintendent, or his designee, to enroll that student in regular academic course offerings at that child’s regular school of attendance. The following conditions apply to those students requesting part-time enrollment:


1. Preference for classes with limited availability or space will be given to regular full-time students.


2. Part-time students may only enroll for classes at their current grade level.


Each elementary and middle school principal shall submit to the District Superintendent a procedure for monitoring the check-in and check-out of the part-time student. It is the responsibility of the parent or legal guardian of the part-time student to adhere to this procedure as it pertains to the school at which the student is enrolled. All other school and District rules and regulations that apply to regular full-time students shall also apply to part-time students while enrolled as part-time students.



Policy References:
W.S. 21-4-101, W.S. 21-4-102; W.S. 21-4-103; W.S. 21-4-104; W.S. 21-4-105; W.S. 21-4-106; W.S. 21-4-107