Our Mission is: To provide the highest quality education for all students by building the skills necessary for a successful and productive future.
A more effective learning environment for young people is created when learning opportunities are planned and scheduled, enabling the school and community to systematically plan instructional, co-curricular, and family activities on a long term, consistent basis. Based on this belief, guidelines for establishing the Uinta County School District Number One Calendar have been developed to systematically schedule the beginning and ending of the Academic School Year, as well as to systematically schedule Parent-Teacher Conferences, Inservice Days and breaks within the Academic Year. By developing guidelines and adopting a school calendar for two (2) years in advance, patrons, as well as the educational community will be able to maximize the opportunity to utilize the school calendar for educational, personal and professional scheduling purposes.
1. Wyoming Statute 21-4-301 Schools to be free and accessible to all children; Minimum School Year "...Each school district shall operate its schools and its classes for a minimum of one hundred seventy-five (175) days each school year."
2. State Board Policy IC School Year (Days of Operation) "Each school shall be in operation for 180 days or more and shall conduct classes with a majority of teachers and pupils in attendance for 175 days." Schools must meet a minimum number of hours in the one hundred seventy-five days...Elementary, 900 hours; Middle School, 1050 hours; High School, 1100 hours.
3. Two days prior to the start of the Academic School Year will be scheduled as Teacher Inservice Days. These days will be utilized to set the direction and theme of the new school year, provide staff inservice training and to make final preparations for the academic opening of school. The day prior to the first inservice day will be scheduled as a non-paid orientation day for all new certified employees of the District.
4. The start of the School Year will be scheduled so school will start for students on the Tuesday following Labor Day.
5. All holidays as specified in Board Policy will be adhered to: Labor Day; Thanksgiving Day and the Friday following; Christmas Day and one additional day at Christmas; New Year's Eve Day and New Year's Day; Memorial Day; and, Independence Day. In addition, President's Day will be a Vacation Day for all students and certified staff.
6. At the end of the first nine (9) weeks period there will be a day scheduled as an Inservice/Parent Teacher Conference Day.
7. An Autumn Break of up to two (2) days will be scheduled in October, always to occur on Monday-Tuesday, Thursday-Friday, or Friday-Monday. The actual days would be determined so as to include actual days of Elk Hunting Season.
8. A Mid-Year Break will be scheduled around the Christmas and New Year's Holidays. The actual length of the break and specific days to be scheduled will be dependent upon the actual day of the week on which Christmas occurs. If New Year's Day is on Monday or Tuesday, school will convene on the day following New Year's Day. In all instances, Christmas Eve Day, Christmas Day, New Year's Eve Day and New Year's Day will be included as part of the Mid-Year Break for all students and certified staff. Two day weeks will be avoided whenever possible!
9. The day after the second nine (9) weeks period will be scheduled as an Inservice Day with the purpose of the day as a Parent/Teacher Conference Day, Work Day, and/or a Curriculum day.
10. At the end of the third nine (9) weeks period there will be a day scheduled as an Inservice Day with the purpose of the day as a Parent/Teacher Conference Day, Work Day, and/or a Curriculum day.
11. A Spring Break of five weekdays will be scheduled the earliest week in April that includes either Good Friday or Easter Monday. In the event that five weekdays would not be available in the calendar for Spring Break, President's Day and/or one day of Autumn Break would be reassigned to enable scheduling a full week for Spring Break.
12. A minimum of two (2) instructional days will be built onto the end of the School Calendar as potential inclement weather days. In the event that schools are not closed during the regular school year due to inclement weather, these days will be deducted from the School Calendar.
13. It is the intent of the Administration and Staff to establish the practice of presenting School Calendar recommendations to the Board of Trustees so that prior to the end of any given school year, school calendars for the next two (2) subsequent school years can be adopted.