Teacher aides (non-instructional service aides) are defined as persons who work directly—under supervision—on tasks which are of a routine, non-instructional nature. The purpose of hiring teacher aides is to free teachers from routine duties so that they can do a better job of teaching.
The teacher remains the diagnostician for learning, the manager of learning experiences and the decision-maker in learning situations. Aides can assist in many nonprofessional activities, but they cannot relieve professional personnel of their responsibility for the instructional program; nor can they be used as substitute teachers.
Job assignments for aides will vary depending upon local staffing patterns and the types of assistance needed. Orientation programs should be an essential part of any plan to use teacher aides in the schools. A clear understanding of the purpose and objectives of the use of teacher aides should be established among teachers, administrators, parents, the general public and the aides themselves.
General Guidelines
1. Aides shall be of good moral character.
2. Aides shall meet the health qualifications required of teachers.
3. Aides shall be assigned to tasks within their interest and ability to perform adequately.
4. Aides shall be given initial and inservice training provided by the school system designed to give them an understanding of the place of public education in our democracy; to orient them to the importance of their potential contribution; and to define their relationship to the professional staff.
5. Aides may be assigned to perform such duties as taking attendance, filing and keeping routine records; collecting funds and keeping accounts; correcting objective tests and making up lists and charts for the teacher showing pupil performance; supervising playground activities, lunchroom, lavatory periods, quiet activities, etc.; helping small children with their clothes and with construction of bulleting boards, displays, projects, etc.; checking out library books and caring for and operating equipment; typing and duplicating, answering the telephone and running errands, etc.; mending books; making arrangements for field trips; escorting children to the nurse; and, listening to and sharing thoughts with children who need to talk to an adult.
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