Uinta County School District Number One understands the decision to close school due to inclement weather has an impact on families and the community.  It is understood that we live in a climate where the weather can be severe at any time during the school year. In the event of severe weather or other emergencies, which threaten the safety and/or health of students or staff members, the decision to delay the start of school or cancel school will be made by the Superintendent.  

Uinta County School District Number One understands that it is our job to provide a safe and orderly environment where students can learn and grow. Every effort will be made to keep schools open and operating safely. In case of severe weather a decision regarding a delayed start or school closure will be made before 6:00 a.m.

If severe weather occurs during school hours, every attempt will be made to have students who use district transportation safely delivered home.  If, on the advice of highway authorities, the roads are impassable, parents will be contacted and children will be kept at the school building until released to parents or guardians. The schools have adequate kitchen facilities to feed those who are required to remain at the school during a closure.

The district will notify parents and guardians of a delayed start or school closure by PowerSchool (email, text, and phone message), the District Website, Social Media, local radio stations, and the Uinta County’s “Code Red” system if necessary.

The District recognizes the rights of parents to make decisions that are best for their children. Therefore, the option to keep children home when weather conditions are severe is always at the parent's’ discretion and the district respects the decision. The District will accommodate students who miss school due to severe weather.

Current practice codified 1978

Policy Adopted: date of manual adoption, 10/9/2001

Policy Revised: 07/12/88, 3/14/17

LEGAL REFS: Wyoming Statute

Wyoming Education Policies Reference Manual, code EBCD