Series D - FISCAL MANAGEMENT » DBJ BUDGET IMPLEMENTATION (And Instructional Supply Budgets)

DBJ BUDGET IMPLEMENTATION (And Instructional Supply Budgets)

Adoption Date: 12/14/1976, Revised: 7/12/1988

The total amounts, which may be expended during the fiscal year for the operation of the school district, shall be set forth in the general fund budget adopted annually by the Board.

The total amount budgeted as the proposed expenditure of the district for each major classification (under the accounting system established by the state) shall be the maximum amount which may be expended for that classification of expenditures during the school year, except as a transfer of funds between major classifications is permitted by law and authorized by the Board.

The district budget shall serve as the control on expenditures. Overall responsibility for this control shall rest with the superintendent. The superintendent shall establish the procedures for budget control and reporting throughout the district.

Budget Officer Responsibilities

Upon adoption of the annual budgets, the budget officer (Uinta County School District Number One's superintendent) shall insure the systematic recording, supervision, auditing and reporting of the various budgets.

The superintendent shall also schedule periodic analyses of the various budgets and provides interim reports to budget directors and to the Board of Trustees.

Instructional Supply Budgets

A.  The principal is to seek input from the department heads in regard to budget preparation. After the amount of money has been assigned to the instructional budget for each school, the principal will determine the amount of money that is to be allocated to each department. Once this division has been achieved, it cannot be changed without knowledge of the principal and the department heads. Supplies used by all teachers will be budgeted separately.

On or before the first day of school each new school year the department heads will be given a written copy of their department budget for the year.

B.  The media budgets will be treated the same as the instructional budget, with the principal being responsible for meeting with the other media personnel to determine the budget requirements.

C.  The textbook budget will be controlled by the Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction with input from the staff. The Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction will be responsible for determining the priorities for the selection and purchase of new textbooks in cooperation with the building principals and members of the various curriculum committee members.


NOTE: Supply item definition - items of an expendable nature that may be consumed, worn out or deteriorate with use, (within one year) or items that lose their identify through fabrication or incorporation into different or more complex units.