Human Resources » Crisis Management Plan

Crisis Management Plan

Adoption Date: 10/9/2001, Revised: 10/11/1988


EBC EMERGENCY PLANS (Preparedness Plan)


The Board shall adopt an Emergency Preparedness Plan based on guidelines offered by the Wyoming State Department of Education.

The effectiveness of the plan will depend on the familiarity of the staff with the plan and its practical application through drills and discussion with pupils. The plan shall be subject to review on an annual basis and shall be considered an addendum to the policies and regulations of the Board. Amendment of the plan may be accomplished by suggesting revision to the superintendent.

The plan shall be covered in teacher orientation programs and in-service training sessions at its inception and the building principal shall be responsible to insure that the plan is reviewed annually at faculty meetings. Residents of the community shall be made aware of the procedures by means of the usual news media.

The principal shall review the plan annually and will inspect alarm systems and other preparedness facilities as part of his inspection of school buildings.

Each school principal shall hold monthly drills to ensure orderly evacuation of students in the event of an emergency. A written record of these drills shall be filed with the Superintendent’s Office on a monthly basis.

Current practice codified 1978

NOTE: See EBCB-R, Fire Drills, for evacuation procedures during severe weather.

The specific procedures to be followed in the schools during an emergency are contained in the booklet, Uinta County School District Number One – Emergency Preparation Manual, available through the superintendent’s office. They are also described in regulations following as sub codes of EBC, covering fire drills, bomb threats, and school closings due to inclement weather.