Resources for Parents » Digital Content Provider Resources

Digital Content Provider Resources

ELA Providers


Provider Description Grade Suggested Use Diagnostic Resources

 i-Ready is a supplemental Reading and Math program that creates unique learning paths for each student using an adaptive diagnostic test. 3-8

(Supplemental) 60-90 min. per subject/week

  • 3 lessons/week per subject;

  • 25-40 min./lesson Yes - diagnostic exam that determines placement in the program

iReady: Teacher Training Guide

Quick Start Videos


 IXL has a whopping 3,300 math-practice modules and 1,000 language modules that meet nearly all the Common Core State Standards for math and language.

2-8 + HHS

  • Usage is determined by the teacher based on student needs
No - teacher assigns lessons based on student needs

iXL website

User Guides

Set-up Guide


 iRead is a digital early age reading program for K-2 students designed to close the achievement gap K-2

  • at least 20 minutes per day
  • 3-5 lessons per week Yes

-students begin by taking iRead Screener, an adaptive placement assessment

iRead Website

iRead Guide

iRead Explanation Video

 APEX is a foundational learning tool that includes digital curricula in math, English, science, social studies, and electives. 9-12

  • varies
  • lessons are 45-60 minutes each Yes - students take an initial diagnostic assessment that creates an individualized path

Apex Website

Apex Learning on Youtube


 Moby's adaptive curriculum creates a unique, individualized education plan for each student. 6-8

  • at least an hour each week in each subject

Yes - diagnostic exam that determines placement in each subject

Moby Max Website


Video Tutorials

 Activate Instruction is a free, open database of standards-aligned lessons that provides playlists for students. K-12

  • varies

Yes - many individual lessons contain diagnostic assessments

Activate Instruction Website

Next Gen Overview

Video Overview

Math Providers


Provider Description Grade Suggested Use Diagnostic Resources

  IXL has a whopping 3,300 math-practice modules and 1,000 language modules that meet nearly all the Common Core State Standards for math and language. K-2


  • Usage is determined by the teacher based on student needs
No - teacher assigns lessons based on student needs

User Guides

Set-up Guide


IXL has a whopping 3,300 math-practice modules and 1,000 language modules that meet nearly all the Common Core State Standards for math and language.



  • Usage is determined by the teacher based on student needs
No - teacher assigns lessons based on student needs

User Guides

Set-up Guide


APEX is a foundational learning tool that includes digital curricula in math, English, science, social studies, and electives.


  • varies
  • lessons are 45-60 minutes each

Yes - students take an initial diagnostic assessment that creates an individualized path
Apex Website

Apex Learning on Youtube


Reflex is a game-based system that helps students with basic math facts. The program differentiates instruction and adapts practice problems based on students’ abilities.

2-8 + HHS

  • at least 20 minutes daily

No - students begin each session by taking an assessment called “Crabby’s Fact Fair”

Reflex Website

Teacher Guide

Video Tutorials

Moby's adaptive curriculum creates a unique, individualized education plan for each student.


  • at least an hour each week in each subject

Yes - diagnostic exam that determines placement in each subject

Moby Max Website


Video Tutorials

Khan Academy offers practice exercises, instructional videos, and a personalized learning dashboard that empower learners to study at their own pace in and outside of the classroom.


adaptive to student level to create individualized path

Khan Academy Website


Overview Article

YouTube Videos

Activate Instruction is a free, open database of standards-aligned lessons that provides playlists for students.


  • varies
Yes - many individual lessons contain diagnostic assessments

Activate Instruction Website

Next Gen Overview

Video Overview

Science Providers

Provider Description Grade Suggested Use Diagnostic Resources

Gizmos use an inquiry-based approach to learning to build conceptual understanding.


  • varies
No - teacher assigns lessons based on student needs


Video Introduction

STEMscopes K-12 creates a student-centric blended STEM learning environment where teachers are able to teach, intervene, and accelerate their diverse students.


  • no recommended usage
No - teacher assigns lessons based on student needs


Video Overviews

APEX is a foundational learning tool that includes digital curricula in math, English, science, social studies, and electives.


  • varies
  • lessons are 45-60 minutes each

Yes - students take an initial diagnostic assessment that creates an individualized path
Apex Website

Apex Learning on Youtube


Gooru is a platform that provides teachers and students with the ability to search for and develop collections of multimedia resources, digital textbooks, videos, handouts, games, and quizzes in various subject areas.


  • varies
No - students move through pre-created playlists at an individual pace

Gooru Videos

EdSurge Overview

Gooru Overview

Activate Instruction is a free, open database of standards-aligned lessons that provides playlists for students.


  • varies
Yes - many individual lessons contain diagnostic assessments

Next Gen Overview

Video Overview


Social Studies Providers


Provider Description Grade Suggested Use Diagnostic Resources

APEX is a foundational learning tool that includes digital curricula in math, English, science, social studies, and electives.


  • varies
  • lessons are 45-60 minutes each

Yes - students take an initial diagnostic assessment that creates an individualized path
Apex Website

Apex Learning on Youtube


Gooru is a platform that provides teachers and students with the ability to search for and develop collections of multimedia resources, digital textbooks, videos, handouts, games, and quizzes in various subject areas.


  • varies
No - students move through pre-created playlists at an individual pace

Gooru Videos

EdSurge Overview

Gooru Overview

Activate Instruction is a free, open database of standards-aligned lessons that provides playlists for students.


  • varies
Yes - many individual lessons contain diagnostic assessments

Next Gen Overview

Video Overview