Technology Use Agreements
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Dear Parent or Guardian,
You are being asked to sign a new Internet Use Agreement form. In an effort to summarize a 63-page document into a more concise format, we are sending this letter to give you information about the new technology use policy of Uinta County School District #1. Please consider the following information as you sign with your student. There are restrictions & student/parent responsibilities in each of these areas:
• Safety of students/information that can be obtained on website
• Safe & appropriate use of electronic mail privileges
• Confidentiality responsibilities of user ID information & passwords
• Use of district resources for personal gain or non-educational use
• Viewing of obscene or pornographic information
• Viewing/changing or attempting unauthorized access
• Misusing or disrupting the technology system in any way
• Use or loading of only district approved software
• Using/viewing anything related to violence or harassment
• Facilitating/causing any damage to UCSD#1 technology property in any way
A copy of this agreement is included in the school handbook or first day packet. Additional copies of the Student Technology and Internet Use Agreement are available from the Uinta County School District #1 website or a copy can be reviewed by asking in the office of every school in the school district.
We thank you for your cooperation & help with your student’s education.