Information Technology » Information Technology

Information Technology

Jaraun Dennis
Technology Director

The Technology Department administers and manages technology services throughout the district.  Services include setup, repairs, troubleshooting, network management and Internet services.  Technical support is provided via telephone, e-mail, written correspondence, and work order submission.  Power School (District’s Student Information System) has been an added attribute, which includes management and training.  Our staff includes a technology director, secretary, network engineer, and four technicians.  The Director establishes direction on guidelines/procedures to ensure the safety of students and staff.  The network engineer maintains/manages the network system.  Each technician provides technical support to the District staff and students.  These employees serve the entire district, which encompasses 14 buildings.  All buildings are connected with fiber optic cable or microwave for data communications.  All schools have at least one computer in each classroom and several computer labs, which are capable of connecting to the network and the Internet.  A work order program has been initiated to assure the consistency and quality of service.  The Technology Team, with a range of educational and support backgrounds, are enthusiastic to assist the end-users in resolving their technical and training needs.