Multi-Tiered System of Supports » Levels Of Prevention

Levels Of Prevention

Tier 1


All students… Including students with disabilities, learning differences, or language barriers.


Increase access to tier 1 through the following:

  1. Differentiated instruction
  2. Practices that are linguistically and culturally responsive
  3. Accommodations
  4. Modifications


  1. Research-based curriculum materials for students (including subgroups).
  2. Implementation fidelity
  3. Articulation of teaching and learning within and across grades
  4. Differentiation of instruction based on data
  5. Ongoing professional development


Regular education classroom.

Tier 1 instruction is effective when…

Approximately 80% of students (including subgroups) are proficient on general outcome measures.

Tier 2


Students identified through screening as at risk for poor learning outcomes. Typically 15%-20% of entire population.


  1. Evidence-based
  2. Adult-led instruction
  3. Aligns with and supports core instruction
  4. Small group rather than whole class
  5. Implementation fidelity based on developer guidelines
  6. Delivered by well-trained staff in optimal group sizes
  7. Decisions are based on valid and reliable data and criteria are implemented accurately
  8. Supplements core instruction


Regular education classroom or other regular education location within the school.

Tier 3


Students who have not responded to primary or secondary level prevention, or who present with markedly low achievement. Typically, 3%-5% of entire population.


  1. Evidence-based or based on validated progress monitoring methods for individualizing instruction
  2. More intense than secondary (more time-smaller groups sizes)
  3. Implementation fidelity
  4. Delivered by well-trained staff in optimal group sizes
  5. Decisions are based on valid and reliable data, and criteria are implemented accurately.
  6. Address general education curriculum in appropriate manner for students.


Regular education classroom or other appropriate setting. Decisions are made on a case-by-case basis. Optimal group size is chosen for ages and needs of students.