Series E - SUPPORT SERVICES » EBBA Health And Emergency Care

EBBA Health And Emergency Care

Adoption Date: 10/9/2001, Revised: 8/11/2009; 07/12/1988

Health And Emergency Care


UCSD#1 recognizes that students may have ongoing health care needs, become ill or incur injuries during the school day requiring nonurgent, urgent or emergency care. The school is responsible for providing temporary first aid and emergency care in case of sudden illness or injury to a student or staff member. The school’s primary responsibility is to place an ill or injured person in the care of his family or with emergency facilities.


Principals are responsible for directing the care of ill or injured persons who are within their area of supervision.


Known significant health needs will be addressed by implementing an “Individual Health Care Plan” and /or the “Food Allergy Procedure”. Specific health care procedures must be prescribed by a physician.


Current practice codified 1978


Policy Adopted:         date of manual adoption

Policy Revised:         07/12/88, 8/11/09


LEGAL REFS:          Wyoming Education Policies Reference Manual, code EBGBA


CROSS REFS:         JHCD, Administering Medicines to Students




Policy References:
EBGBA, JHCDPolicy Cross References: